The Galactic Conference

Now that you’ve re-established contact between all four Galactic Empires, they’re willing to talk to each other once again. You’ve managed to arrange a conference in neutral space, summoning one ambassador from each civilization to the negotiating table, but the communications channel you’ve hacked together isn’t enough to get a full picture of the proceedings. In order to give them what they all want, you’ll need to figure out the inner workings of their strange diplomatic negotiations...

Uta: 'bovipa, axwe. Dusiko coce toe ayegwe amqos, tidul sotok-kas sokam qekwynad. Xoso zwm.
Fe: Zo, aqes uywe roqwe topodex!
Pai: Oxpele zwm!
Avu: Axwe, uta sanato 'fotaz...

(rummaging sounds, sounds of things clicking against each other)

Avu: "X" ywmit!
Pai: "P" qwmun.
Fe: A, "A" im fwmaz; utarus elwmwx-ka ogfatel.
Uta: Rwmo "W"...
Fe: Aldul gwmoz. Ita... wvuz zat na?

(sounds of 4 objects clicking against something)

Pai: Ita talke qekada zat-ka gizir, zo na?
Uta: Oyeyu utaru elwxa xajur zat.
Avu: Zo, avsaqavu taftafwe sawepu zat.
Uta: Ita rwmo natho zat.

(sounds of 6 objects clicking)

Pai: O're, uta elwxa zoan, ogitwe nathwe quka merizin na?
Uta: Zo, fele "T" alhan fes wtwmaf.
Avu: Kardis, paile natho avubena mezo etataz-ka os pizem. Zikpe zat.
Pai: 'bacev, tidul ogitwe nathwe atimbwris quka meratin-kas, "UQI" elwxa pai eg merwmin na?
Fe: Zo, xekris merizin.

(3 clicks)

Pai: O're, agogwe cuafwe merinwhwe todag.

(5 clicks)

Uta: ...Ehyo natho zat na?
Avu: Zo! Oma' qacepo rote tolaqo zove zat.

(3 clicks)

Pai: 'bacev. Fesaqta taftafwe eg wdul wtateyaf na?
Fe: Adbolwe lifanafe-ro natho honwze avubena xwes os piotwv.

(6 clicks)

Avu: "A"-li "E" pailwe sanatwe avubenwe-tis elizodwx na?
Uta: Xaxu 'az. Av tafwmit.

(5 clicks)

Fe: O're, wat coce hie tibwr zat na?
Pai: Oze zat, eyri *aqes* zat.

(7 clicks)

Uta: W'ne, ihayex tafwmit.
Avu: Tidul paile natho avubena mezo binpatan-ka tizag-kas ewswmezig. Iqa... feyo paisaqfe taftafwe zat na?
Fe: Alvuz zat.
Pai: Bacwyev. Axwe wlerwe taftafwe qadun na?
Uta: Paiyo saqe taftafwe wli yuqina daxafe xusos av tafatit. Utayo avsaqpai wli, feru zwm. Iz utayo saqfe qizun-lis, kudwe mwenafe utayo fe qatun.

(3 clicks)

Fe: Ita itya avubena nesaqe taftafwe patumog!
Uta: Wepu zat.

(4 clicks)

Avu: Talke ehyos orcalotal-ka itya hie tihan zwm na?!
Uta: Bedfi-ti hiw axwe namehe qabun-ka taga merwmeyin. 'ji'sumag! Utayo fe taftafwe zat.

(5 clicks)

Pai: A'mi, agyoxuka natho os qwmotuk. Eqa saqta sanato karwho ywmit na?
Fe: Xa. Ne sanatwe aqes im elizwx.
Pai: Anjo zat.
Uta: Karkas, wat inve sanato zat na?
Pai: "F" zat.

(7 clicks)

Pai: W'ne, wlerwe taftafwe zat na? Eqa "A"-cw natho karkas 'motid!
Uta: Feyo nesaqavu taftafwe zat. Ita yuqina daxafe-ro ombu tafita av etataz.
Avu: A'mi, pailwe nathwe avubenwe ywmit-ka taga binpixan...

(5 clicks)

Uta: A'mi, onama taftafwe qwnun-ka jatif.
Fe: Fe "W"w im qwmeyun-ka anjo zat. Tidul osgaq qwmobun-kas, fele "G" eg defi-fws elwxa osgaq merwmin.

(6 clicks)

Pai: Iqa ehyo natho aza merateyin.
Avu: O're, ehyo zat! Orvo etwe nathwe eta balotno ziy im yodir-ka orbwr mwmap.
Uta: Rwmo taftafwe paiyo fesaqe tihan saogadam.

(4 clicks)

Uta: (whispered) Bedfi denaqva mezo etataz-ka ehyos ovekqus im patem na? Saqavu taftafwe aqes im yatit na?
Pai: Onezira merwmin.
Avu: Ita alhan paile "T" eg elwxa gaq merwmin-dis, tizov tihan elwmotwx-kas, ombu natho fesrwmol.

(5 clicks)

(1 click)

Fe: Ita qwmun-ka axwe zat. "AV".
Pai: Gotir, albwr aqe uta sanato elizwx-kas, qizoluk-ka yoxuka' natho naguta exizin.
Fe: *AV* nagwmotut.

(5 clicks)

Uta: Ita qwmolun-ka zat. Tafita-fw "FW"!

(3 clicks)

Avu: Zikpe elwxa zat. Orvo 🔔  eta-fws fel katar-nis nafwe pailwe piatotwv.
Pai: 'bacev, 🔔  ityeri-fws kara merizeyin, zo na?
Avu: O're, zepumem.

(6 clicks)

Avu: Utayo avsaqe kara paisaqpai, feyo saqpai zat. O're, oca inve tibwr zat. Aqes saqe sanatwe qwmun.
Uta: Orvo karodwe um-ziy 'bolodot na?
Avu: Utasa paiyo saqpai taftafwe qwmun-lis, feru avuyo wli ziz.
Pai: Feyo fesaqne taftafwe qwmun-li vaxru zwm-dis, kudwe mwenafe atimora zoves, aqes utayo ne ogi'fwe solwmov.

(5 clicks)

Fe: Feru aza dules av ji'swmag. Avsaqe taftafwe zoves av tafwmit-ka teratav-ka tixrocwmal.

(5 clicks)

Uta: Iqa inve "Z" zat.
Pai: "A"-cw natho oma zat.
Fe: Ka'pa, avu zoves ihex tafwmit. Yuqina daxafe, balotno soka exizin.

(5 clicks)

Pai: A'mi, agis wtafa elwxa quka sokam merwmin. Eqa vere avubena orlerwe bwris imav novwmid. Albwr sanato jadeyif-kas, wot ywyad na?
Avu: Albwr vaxru elwxafe ri sanatwe qatun-kas,...

(6 clicks)

Avu: ...balotno satok! Wepu ji'saga, axwe.

P.S. Our Galactic Nations contact has told us that for this conference, everything is on the table, including your answers, translated answers, and the meta answers. Additionally, you have been sent these helpful tables:
