
Helpful device for shopping (4)

Pirate's storage container (1)

Test version (1)

Currency denomination smaller than a dollar (1)

Complete (6)

Sad (6)

State also known as "the zone" (4)

Fraction of an SI base unit (3)

Sage, for instance (3)

Spanish greeting (3)

Unit of speed (6)

Opposite of dark (5)

Longer than a yard (5)

Technical standard or skirt (5)

Most frequent (5)

International alliance (4)

Nice way to describe something small? (5)

Prescription unit (4)

Undecorated (3)

All according to __ (1)

Give up (5)

MOBA game developer (5)

Part in a movie (4)

Review symbol (5)

Temporary accommodation (1)

University period (5)

__zone (6)

__ legend (3)

Word class (5)

Tender or romantic emotion (9)

Country in Southeast Asia (9)

Benjamins (9)

Someone with a lot of property (9)

Settings of many horror movie scenes (10)

National pride (10)

Type of art or architecture (10)

Commonly referred to (10)

Water intaking machine that eases dry skin (10)

Mysterious, despite investigation (11)

Computer component (11)

Educational grant (11)

Scripting or brainwashing (11)

Commotion (11)

A narrow tube (9)

Oriental area of a city (9)

Famous ship of the Pilgrims (9)

Type of jelly or oil (9)

Famous Beatle (9)

Product used to make non-Newtonian fluid (10)

Contest participant (10)

Pleasing or charming (10)

Omnipresent (10)

Wealthfront alternative (10)

Delta accumulations (9)

Clear, level space, often by the seaside (9)

Concern of HR departments (9)

Unspeakable villain (9)

Large musical group (9)