Research Center
____________ ___________
_____/ \_____ ____/ \____
_/ \_ _____________ ______ _/ \_
/ Oh no! It's a pandemic. \ _/ \_ ____/ \____ / \
/ Fortunately the this team \ / I'm so glad the \ _/ \_ / It's important to answer \
| came up with a treatment. | | fruit stand is | / Thanks to our \ | in a this manner by showing |
/ Hopefully it will stave \ / having a sale. \ / company this, we can \ / your work - when it comes to \
\ off the infection, so the / \ How else could I / | now more easily that | \ that, checking it again will /
| number of infected will | |get a this so that?| \through our documents!/ |become a much easier process.|
\end up that at a reduced level./ \_ _ _ X _ _ _/ \_ _ _ X _ _ _/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ /
\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _/ \_____________/ \____ ____/ \_ _/
\_____ _____/ \______/ \____ ____/
\_____________/ _________ \___________/
_______ ____/ \____ _____________ ______
___/ \___ _/ \_ ___/ \___ ______/ \_______
_/ \_ / Are you sure you want \ / \ _/ \_
_/While climbing, the\_ | to join the demonic | / I'll enjoy this \ / We insist everyone who \
/ this heard a piercing \ / cult? I'm not sure \ / cherry liqueur, \ | wants to join our colony |
| that. What could | \ becoming the this / | while we hear that | / must be this, as any \
\_ the sound be? _/ |to that is a good idea.| \ play in the blues band. / \ beards may snag the /
\_ _ _ X _ _ _ _/ \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ / | tools in our hideout that.|
\___ ___/ \____ ____/ \___ ___/ \_ X _ _ _ _ _ _/
\______/ \_________/ \_____________/ \_______ _______/
_______________ ___________ \______/
________/\________ ___/ \___ __/ \__ _____
__/ \__ / \ / \ ____/ \____
/ The cabaret singer's \ / The this of the \ / Indeed, the this \ _/ \_
|voice was so mesmerizing, | / drawing is under no \ | are made out of | / The programmer \
/ I forgot a bunch of \ | doubt - just look | / the finest wool, \ / sips coffee and this\
\ things. You could / | at the rushed that | \ collected from / | with the company code |
|almost say the this that. | \ of the pencil marks. / | multiple that. | | while the code that. |
\__ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __/ \ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X /
\_______ _________/ \___ ___/ \__ __/ \_ _/
\/ \_______________/ \___________/ \____ ____/
______/\_____ ____________ _____________ \_____/
__/ \__ ____/ \____ __/ \__ __________
/ \ / \ / \ ___/ \___
/Our shipping company \ / It's too bad the fruit\ /After a this accident\ __/ \__
|this the that mirrors. | | stand only comes once | / involving our armored \ / This that in League of\
\ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ / / every month now. The \ |cavalry regiment and some| /Legends? Yeah, there's the\
\__ __/ \ joy of eating this is / |cement slurry, we needed | | red one and the blue one, |
\______ _____/ | met with a fleeting that.| \quite a few new that. / |try to get it on your first |
\/ \ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X / \ back when jungling. /
____________ \____ ____/ \__ __/ \__ _ X _ _ _ __/
__/ \__ \____________/ ______ \_____________/ \___ ___/
/ \ ____________ ____/ \____ ____ \__________/
/Due to the excessive\ / \ / \ ________/ \______
| this condensing on | /Just this the \ /Expecting to have \ _____/ \______
/ the windshield, it \ | picture if you | /your clothes remain \ / It does take some this to \
| caused our driver to | |want to view it || this when walking | / get through all of the that \
\ lose visibility and / |in greater that.|| through the mud | | computation. You have to keep |
| that off the path. | \ _ _ X _ _ _ / \ is clearly a that. / \track of all the sines and cosines!/
\ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ / \____________/ \ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ / \____ X _ _ _ ______/
\__ __/ \____ ____/ \________ ______/
\____________/ \______/ \_____/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _