Language Discoveries

Our researchers have discovered a couple facts about the language and are passing them on to you.


Syllables always contain exactly one vowel, which may be preceded by at most one consonant, and followed by at most one consonant. This means that, e.g., words are not allowed to begin or end with two consonants, and also cannot have three consecutive consonants in the middle.

Parts of speech

Nouns and adjectives always end in vowels; in addition, the boundaries between these two parts of speech are rather fluid, and many words that function as one also function as the other. For example, agi as an adjective means “big” or “large”, but it can also be a noun meaning “something big”.

Verbs and adverbs always end in consonants (though the definition of “adverb” is somewhat loose). Verbs have a root form which is never used directly; instead, a large body of prefixes, infixes, and suffixes is used to inflect the root form with syntactic and semantic meaning.